Rotary corrugated horizontal-outlet bathtub drainz(DK-3007)

Product Name: Rotary corrugated horizontal-outlet bathtub drainz(DK-3007)

Category: Bathtub Floor Drain Series

Place of Origin:China
Business type:Manufacturer, Exporter
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Views: 1,203

Product Details

Material: Forged copper body, red copper tube
Seal elements: O-ring of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber
The product use and characteristics:
Super-deluxe hand-wheel is elegant and graceful. Brake drain is clean, sanitary and comfortable inuse. t is allocated with flange wash to protect wear-resistant bathtub glaze.Internal outlet hasremovable filter.The whole cover assembly can be taken out to dump rubbish.In addition, theoptional bouncing assembly can make bouncing drain.The filter mesh has powerful drain functions.Uleually sswage can bo emptled In5 mInutes.Foor draln has two-slde outilets. It suits bathtubs withinspection hole and narrow ground space.(Note: It needs additional bathtub shifter, e.g. DK-045-BDK-045-C)For detailed information, please kindly refer to Page 10、11、12、13